Marks & Spencer Scented Candle – Heart Light Up Candle with LED Light

From 46,000

Bring an extra glow to your home with Led light, it features silvery glitter and a heart shape that illuminates when the wick is lit. Neroli lime and bergamot perfume this charming candle, infusing the air with a fresh, zesty aroma.



Bring an extra glow to your home with LED light, it features silvery glitter and a heart shape that illuminates when the wick is lit. Neroli lime and bergamot perfume this charming candle, infusing the air with a fresh, zesty aroma.

This fragrance is part of the Herbal family of fragrances. Herbal scents are often considered to have soothing and relaxing qualities and may contain notes such as lavender, cedar wood, vetiver or eucalyptus.



Never leave a burning candle unattended, keep out of the reach of children and pets and do not burn candles on or near anything that can catch fire

  • Order this and our other selection of gifts to go with your flowers now, or call 07011992888, 07010006665 to order
  • We reserve the right to interchange comparable product based on availability

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Per Flavour

One Flavour, Three Flavours, Two Flavours